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Hollow Ichigo Leather Mask



My more recent try at this theme:

I've had leather sides sitting in my closet for almost half a year now. I had been wanting to try leather mask making ever since spying *merimask's gorgeous gallery of handmade masks. Her wonderful work inspired me and after seeing her mask segment on Martha Stewart, I was finally pushed over the edge of inspiration and into my first mask making experiment!

I wanted to try something simple so at my boyfriend ,~kaioshade's, suggestion I went with a mask inspired by Ichigo's Hollow form from the anime Bleach.

I ran into so many issues making this that it almost didn't happen. I had no skiver, stylus, beveler, or hammer and ended up improvising with a kitchen spoon, a swivel blade, leather stamps, an awl, and X-acto knife.

What's next? A deco peacock? Character masks? Anime inspired masks? I can't wait to do more once time permits :love:

*merimask's tutorial: [link]
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687x900px 105.18 KB
© 2009 - 2024 Angelic-Artisan
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TazmanienAngel's avatar
So inspirational! I can't wait to get started on my first mask! You helped me a lot! To the drawing Board! Ill make sure to show you when I finish my first one! Hope your doing well!